Scientific Publications


Innovation and science are driving our development.
There, you will find publications discussing our products and solutions.

Pegylated Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler Injections in a Patient with Titanium Facial Implants: A Case Report
Dissapong Panithaporn
Minimally Invasive Plasma Device Management of Multiple Benign Skin Cancers Associated with Rare Genodermatoses— Case Series and Review of the Therapeutic Methods
Anna Płatkowska, Monika Słowińska, Joanna Zalewska, Zbigniew Swacha, Anna Szumera-Ciećkiewicz, Michał Wągrodzki, Janusz Patera, Katarzyna Łapieńska-Rey, Małgorzata Lorent, Iwona Ługowska, Piotr Rutkowski and Witold Owczarek
Efficacy and Safety of Neauvia Intense in Correcting Moderate-to-Severe Nasolabial Folds: A Post-Market, Prospective, Open-Label, Single-Centre Study
Nicola Zerbinati, Anna Płatkowska, Stefania Guida , Giorgio Stabile, Roberto Mocchi , Chiara Barlusconi, Sabrina Sommatis, Leonardo Garutti, Raffaele Rauso , Giovanna Cipolla, Luca Bettolini, Stefano Bighetti
Bipolar Radiofrequency and Non-Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid Plus Calcium Hydroxyapatite in the Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence
Piotr Kolczewski, Mariusz Łukaszuk, Aneta Cymbaluk-Płoska, Mateusz Kozłowski, Sylwester Cie´cwiez, Rafał Ku´zlik and Nicola Zerbinati
Noninvasive bipolar radiofrequency – vaginal application on swine mode
Piotr Kolczewski, Michal Barwijuk, Miroslaw Parafiniuk, Ann Kolasa, J. Udala, D. Gączarzewicz, Mariusz Łukaszuk, Nicola Zerbinati, Rafal Kuźlik, A. Kordek, Dorota Branecka-Woźniak, Mateus Kozłowski, Aneta Cymbaluk-Płoska
Assessment of Safety and Mechanisms of Action of the 1470 nm LaserMe Device
Pawel Kubik, Wojciech Gruszczyński and Bartłomiej Łukasik
Safety of PEGylated Hyaluronic Acid Filler for the Treatment of Facial Skin Aging: Case Report
Pawel Kubik, Wojciech Gruszczyński
Latin Lips – A Novel Approach For Redefinition and Volumization Of Lips With PEGDE Crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid Filler
Laura Luna
Premixed hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite dermal fillers: A new generation of aesthetic injectables case presentation and review of literature
Marko Mance, Elvira Lazić Mosler
Case report: temporal hollowness augmentation with PEGylated fillers
Raquel Fernández de Castro
Use of bipolar radiofrequency in combination with hyaluronic acid filler in the treatment of vaginal atrophy induced sexual dysfunction in cancer survivors: a case series
N. Elmahdawi
Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid hydrogel cross-linked with polyethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (PEGDE) in two women with autoimmune disease. Case report
Nisreen Osman Mustafa
Case Series: Infrared Energy Device for the Treatment of Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea
D. Pereira Forjaz
Heat Influence on Different Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
Pawel Kubik, Wojciech Gruszczyński
PEGylated hyaluronic acid as tissue expander on a surgical compromised nose. A case study
Diego Araya Bruna
Case Report: Lip Augmentation with Injection of a Novel PEG crosslinked Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel
Cleo Edwards
Combined Bipolar Radiofrequency and Non-CrosslinkedHyaluronic Acid Mesotherapy Protocol to Improve Skin Appearance and Epidermal Barrier Function: A Pilot Study
Anna Płatkowska, Szymon Korzekwa, Bartłomiej Łukasik and Nicola Zerbinati
Safety and aesthetic outcomes of using fillers with different cross-linking agents. A case report.
Sophie Menkes
Efficacy of Pegylated Hyaluronic Acid Filler Enriched with Calcium Hydroxyapatite: A 24-Week Post-Market, Observational, Prospective, Open-Label, Single-Center Study
Nicola Zerbinati, Edoardo D’Este, Annalisa De Silvestri, Marco Zullino, Giulio Rabbiosi, Stefania Guida, Paweł Kubik, Giorgio Stabile, Roberto Mocchi, Chiara Barlusconi, Sabrina Sommatis and Giovanna Cipolla
Evaluation of the Safety of Neauvia Stimulate Injectable Product in Patients with Autoimmune Thyroid Diseases Based on Histopathological Examinations and Retrospective Analysis of Medical Records
Paweł Kubik, Daniela Gallo, Maria Laura Tanda, Jerzy Jankau, Raffaele Rauso, Wojciech Gruszczyński, Aleksandra Pawłowska, Paweł Chrapczyński, Maciej Malinowski, Dariusz Grzanka, Marta Smolińska, Paulina Antosik, Maria-Luiza Piesiaków, Bartłomiej Łukasik, Agnieszka Pawłowska-Kubik, Giorgio Stabile, Stefania Guida, Łukasz Kodłubański , Tom Decates , Nicola Zerbinati
A LC-QTOF Method for the Determination of PEGDE Residues in Dermal Fillers
Giuseppe Alonci, Anna Boussard, Martina Savona, Fabiana Cordella, Gaetano Angelici, Roberto Mocchi, Sabrina Sommatis and Damiano Monticelli
Clinical response to infra-red device treatment in combination with PEGylated dermal filler in a woman with skin laxity on the arms. Case report
Raquel Fernández de Castro Isalguez
Hyaluronic Acid and Radiofrequency in Patients with Urogenital Atrophy and Vaginal Laxity
Piotr Kolczewski, Mirosław Parafiniuk, Piotr Zawodny, Rashad Haddad, Agnieszka Nalewczy ´nska, Agnieszka Kinga Kolasa, Barbara Wiszniewska, Sophie Menkes, Alexander Bader, Giorgio Stabile and Nicola Zerbinati
HA PEGylated Filler in Association with an Infrared Energy Device for the Treatment of Facial Skin Aging: 150 Day Follow-Up Data Report
Paweł Kubik, Jerzy Jankau, Raffaele Rauso, Hassan Galadari, Marina Protasoni, Wojciech Gruszczy ´nski, Dariusz Grzanka, Marta Smoli ´nska, Paulina Antosik, Maria-Luiza Piesiaków, Lidia Kodłuba ´nska, Anna Zagajewska, Bartłomiej Łukasik, Giorgio Stabile and Nicola Zerbinati
Rheological Investigation as Tool to Assess Physicochemical Stability of a Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Filler Cross-Linked with Polyethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether and Containing Calcium Hydroxyapatite, Glycine and L-Proline
Nicola Zerbinati, Maria Chiara Capillo, Sabrina Sommatis, Cristina Maccario, Giuseppe Alonci, Raffaele Rauso, Hassan Galadari, Stefania Guida, Roberto Mocchi
Clinical Experience with PEGylated Hyaluronic Acid Fillers: A 3-year Retrospective Study
Raffaele Rauso, Giovanni Francesco Nicoletti, Pierfrancesco Bove, Giuseppe M. Rauso, Romolo Fragola, Giorgio Lo Giudice, Nicola Zerbinati
Toward Physicochemical and Rheological Characterization of Different Injectable Hyaluronic Acid Dermal Fillers Cross-Linked with Polyethylene Glycol Diglycidyl Ether
Nicola Zerbinati, Sabrina Sommatis, Cristina Maccario,Maria Chiara Capillo, Giulia Grimaldi, Giuseppe Alonci, Marina Protasoni, Raffaele Rauso and Roberto Mocchi
In Vitro Evaluation of the Effect of a Not Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel on Human Keratinocytes for Mesotherapy
Nicola Zerbinati, Sabrina Sommatis, Cristina Maccario, Maria Chiara Capillo Serena Di Francesco,Raffaele Rauso, Marina Protasoni, Edoardo D’Este, Daniela Dalla Gasperina and Roberto Mocchi
Pegylated hyaluronic acid filler enriched with calcium hydroxyapatite treatment of human skin: collagen renewal demonstrated through morphometric computerized analysis
Nicola Zerbinati, Raffaele Rauso, M. Protasoni, Elisa D'Este, C. Esposito, Torella Lotti, M. Tirant, N. Van Thuong, R. Mocchi, Umberto Zerbinati, Aleksandra Vojvodic, and A Calligaro¨
In Vitro Evaluation of the Biological Availability of Hyaluronic Acid Polyethylene Glycols-Cross-Linked Hydrogels to Bovine Testes Hyaluronidase
Nicola Zerbinati, R. Mocchi, Hassan Galadari, C. Maccario, M. Maggi, Raffaele Rauso, A. Passi, C. Esposito and Sabrina Sommatis
Chemical Characterization of Hydrogels Crosslinked with Polyethylene Glycol for Soft Tissue Augmentation
Damiano Monticelli, Virginia Martina, Roberto Mocchi, Raffaele Rauso, Umberto Zerbinati, Giovanna Cipolla, Nicola Zerbinati
In Vitro Evaluation of the Sensitivity of a Hyaluronic Acid PEG Cross-Linked to Bovine Testes Hyaluronidase
Nicola Zerbinati, Torello Lotti, Damiano Monticelli, Viginia Martina, Giovanna Cipolla, Edoardo D'Este, Alberto Calligaro,Roberto, Mocchi,Cristina Maccario, Sabrina Sommatis, Jacopo Lotti, Uwe Wollina, Georgi Tchernev, Katlein França
In Vitro Evaluation of the Biosafety of Hyaluronic Acid PEG Cross-Linked with Micromolecules of Calcium Hydroxyapatite in Low Concentration
Nicola Zerbinati, Torello Lotti, Damiano Monticelli,Raffaele Rauso, Pablo González-Isaza,Edoardo D'Este, Alberto, Calligaro, Sabrina Sommatis,Cristina Maccario,Roberto Mocchi, Jacopo Lotti,Uwe Wollina, Georgi Tchernev, Katlein França